Extending to BaseXΒΆ

Much work was put into generating prime numbers on the fly, allowing BaseHash to be extended to BaseX with ease. To extend the library, you just need to import basehash.base and call a few mthods.

from basehash.base import *

# ALPHA must be a tuple
ALPHA = tuple('24680ACEGIKMOQSUWYbdfhjlnprtvxz')

# hash `num` to `ALPHA` at `length` characters
def hash(num, length=HASH_LENGTH):
    return base_hash(num, length, ALPHA)

# unhash `key` from `ALPHA`
def unhash(key):
    return base_unhash(key, ALPHA)

## optional methods:

# encode `num` to `ALPHA`
def encode(num):
    return base_encode(num, ALPHA)

# decode `key` from `ALPHA`
def decode(key):
    return base_decode(key, ALPHA)

# return maximum value for `hash` at `length`
def maximum(length=HASH_LENGTH):
    return base_maximum(len(ALPHA), length)